Saturday, July 27, 2013
So much has happened! Most of you know that our family was blessed with another little boy on February 10th, 2013.
Daniel Ray joined us quite unexpectedly. My official due date was March 6, 2013, but he decided that after 36 weeks, he was ready for his debut. Since I was a month from my due date, the hospital does not offer anything to stop or help with labor. You are expected to go through it and they hope that it just stops on it own... I called my mom early in the morning on Saturday the 9th and explained I was in labor. She rushed down (Greg was supposed to head to Bend for a few days), so she was already planning to spend time helping me get the nursery ready. Greg and I made it to the hospital around 7:30am. I was terrified. Yes, I was in labor, but I was only dialated to 2.5 cm and they weren't ready to admit me. Go home I was told. So I stayed at home and tried to get things done, having to stop every 5 minutes with intense pain. Finally by 7pm I knew that I couldn't last a whole lot longer so once again we headed to the hospital. After an hour and a discussion with the doctor, I was given three options. I finally decided that I would go ahead and be checked in and monitored (we had progressed to 3.5cm by then)... There was a chance that if we did not progress by the next morning I would be sent home. Well, I slowly progressed and at 9:26am on Sunday February 10th, Daniel entered our world. He was 7pounds, 19 inches long. Since he was a preemie the NICU nurse had to come and check him out. My obgyn had warned me that he probably would need to go to NICU for a bit... Thankfully he passed every test with flying colors (even having his glucose checked every 3 hours!) So we were able to keep him with us. Unfortunately he was tongue-tied (yes that's a real thing). So he had to have a minor surgery on his second day of life. He dropped down to 6 pounds 7 ounces and so they were a bit worried, but ever since then he has done great!
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