*Well, it's been an interesting few weeks. Two weeks ago after much battle ( REALLY long story) and craziness we were able to get Andrew's cavity fixed! The new dentist was amazing and Andrew did so well. When we had originally scheduled it with his pediatric dentist the assistant told me that he would have a root canal, etc. etc. and have to come in an hour early to drink the sedative! Mind you, I never once heard any of this from the dentist and was required to sigh all of these random papers too... I was uneasy about the whole thing, so through various recommendations I found a new dentist. Thankfully this new dentist just used laughing gas and half-hour later the cavity was fixed and Andrew was good to go. He was more excited about the cool prize he got (a truck) and the one he avoided (an animal that eye's pop out) cause he knew I would be scared of it... I learned an important lesson that just because it's a well-known pediatric dentist, doesn't mean they are patient friendly and to go with your gut...
*I was invited to a Doppleganger party. Now mind you the only person I look like is Candace Cameron circa 1980s. So I finally asked a dear friend who recommended Princess Kate! (Thank you ERIN) I loved the idea so I made a Fascinator hat, bought nude heels, and pulled together an outfit! My favorite part was this conversation with Andrew...
"Mom, you are going to a party without me ?" (picture sad Andrew face)
"Yes, it's just for girls"
"But mom, I am a big fan of girls!" Yes, you are son, yes you are... Oh boy...
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Carrots and Big Blue Eyes
I was feeling a bit frustrated because Daniel wasn't in love with basic baby food... until he tried sweet potatoes and carrots! He LOVES carrots and sweet potatoes!!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
My sweet boy is embarking on his final year of preschool. To be fair he started really early, because daycare does preschool and two years ago it was all girls that were preschool age and Andrew really wanted to be a part. So he sat with them as they went through the calendar and daily activities and lessons! He participated in the academics as much as he could. He even would remind Becki if she changed the routine! Now he is four and it will be his final year of preschool with his buddy Wyatt. They were both so excited that they now take backpacks and have folders to carry their homework in and to return! Andrew LOVES it!
Labor Day, State Fair, Sweetheart
WOW! Labor Day is almost over which means that the start of the 2013-2014 school year is upon us. That means that Andrew has one more year of preschool and then he'll offically be in kindergarden! WOW!!! We have had a busy, but good week... I started back to work last week (officially) it was fun but busy. I am enrolled in an ESOL endorsement class, Wednesday evenings! The first class was last Wednesday and it was fun! (Especially because over 70% of the teachers there are ones I mentored and/or went through the mentor program!)! On Friday Greg took off of work and him and Andrew enjoyed lunch and getting to watch Turbo at the local Northern Lights theater pub. Meanwhile, Daniel and I drove to Portland to see a dear friend who had surgery and was in the hospital! She is doing great! Saturday meant time for our annual trip to the state fair! Best part...It's a tradition that our friend Natalie joins us! YAY! It was too hot! At least 86! SO we enjoyed lots of water, shaved ice, ice cream, more water, and found all of the indoor places to relax and try to cool down! We are enjoying family and friend time, whenever possible.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Parenting and Working
I have been back at work... I will admit it is really hard to be at work but also really refreshing too! I do enjoy my job and the incredible people I get to work with. Education is a hard field, and I am blessed to be a part of this work. I am even more blessed to be able to work part-time. Which means I literally get the best of both worlds (and my kids do too)!. I get the chance to interact with adults and celebrate the growth of beginning teachers and their students and my kids get to interact socially and building relationships with other children! It's amazing. For now I am exhausted, but these two precious little guys and my incredible husband make my life complete!
A Shaved Ice Kind of Day...
Considering all the craziness... we are so excited to have found an amazing shaved ice place in Oregon! YUM. It's our special treat. (Thankfully it's only open Saturday and Sunday). Andrew's favorite flavor is coconut!
17 days
It's been a challenging last few weeks. On Thursday Greg left early in the morning for Umatilla as he had infantry training class. (Thankfully this may take the place of the 8 week class that he was supposed to take this summer, but he is still scheduled to take it next summer)... Unfortunately on Thursday I had made appointments for both boys. We headed to Andrew's dental appointment and afterwards they directed me to a separate room. There I was with the dental assistant explaining that Andrew had a cavity and that he may need a root canal? REALLY. I was overwhelmed, but even more angry that not ONCE did I speak with the dentist. Didn't even see her! WOW. That being said we are looking for a second opinion and a new dentist... (It should be noted that I completed their email survey and was contacted by the office manager who said I could call and she would explain further about my son's treatment plan? I guess they just don't get it...) Then I dropped Andrew off at daycare to Daniel's 6 month appointment. He weighs 16 pounds 11 ounces and seemed healthy. They took a head measurement of 45cm and the doctor met with me and explained that she had concerns as he had jumped from the 70% to the 95% in head circumference size. They would remeasure, but I may need to go for an ultrasound... Really? Thankfully the next measurement was 44cm and they said that it followed his growth curve, so it was really up to me. They weren't as concerned about it... but I could get it checked either way... I am not making any decisions until I see Greg again... Too much for this mama... Finally I went to get my automatic car opener fixed. I had recently spent too much money on a new one and it stopped working. The guy spent 20 minutes to explain that he had no idea what was wrong and they would refund my money-on Monday when his boss was there. Problem is I started my only full week of work then... sigh... So last week I survived my only full week of 7:30-5:00 work for the entire school year, while also being a single parent. It was exhausting! Daniel is not sleeping well, so I was one tired presenter who felt off a lot more than on and had some really funny flubs. I will be so grateful when my husband returns. This single parent thing is Not a gig for me...
Teething Woes
For anyone who has two children, I assume you already agree that within just a few months you begin to see the similarities and differences of them. Andrew was an easy teether! We barely knew he was teething (except obvious signs of drool), and then suddenly on Christmas Eve his two front teeth popped through. On the other hand, Daniel struggles, a lot! He cries, screams in pain. I have tried Hylands Teething tablets, wash cloths...etc.etc... One of my closest friends recommended teething necklaces. Skeptical! You better believe it! Anxious, Nervous?! Yes indeed. But I trust her fully and know that she would never put her daughter in any type of danger! So I searched found a local store and bought a teething necklace. WOW! Can I say it has made a world of difference? He is like a new little baby! Yes, he still gums things and needs to chew on things, but he doesn't scream out in pain and car rides are so much more tolerable! WOW! The link tells more about these necklaces. http://www.amberartisans.com/amteneandbrf.html WOW!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Wow! What a fun day yesterday! Unfortunately Greg had drill, so I was on my own with the Boys. We have become in love with the kids workshops at Home Depot. I never have ventured to try them on my own, but this time I did!

Sunday, July 28, 2013
One of the greatest blessings about having two boys is the way they interact with each other. Daniel only needs to see Andrew's eyes and smile and he immediately becomes happier! He loves his big brother and truly enjoys spending time with him. Andrew loves being a big brother so much. He is very protective of his little brother and worries when Daniel is upset. He knows just what to do to make him laugh when he is upset! We are so blessed with two incredible little boys!
Summer 2013
Wow! Andrew celebrated his 4th birthday, Lego Batman style!
We set up some fun games for the kids! Including saving batman from Mr. Freeze (which meant giving the kids squirt guns to shoot at batman frozen in ice). It was a hot day, so by the end the parents and kids were all having a giant water fight. They had a bounce house to jump in and we played a few other games, lastly enjoying a pinata, lego style!
We have really enjoyed a fun and exciting and busy summer. We've made last minute travels to Idaho for cousin Reganne's 9th birthday party!
which of course meant a trip to the Boise zoo and multiple trips to Chik-Fil-A... YUM... We were home for a few weeks and then the cousins came to stay in Oregon for two weeks! So that meant two separate three day beach trips! First to Newport, then to Astoria. We really had an amazing fun time. The boys are so very blessed to have such amazing cousins! We always have fun together! The summer is slowing down a bit. Andrew is enjoying soccer practices and playdates with his friends.
We set up some fun games for the kids! Including saving batman from Mr. Freeze (which meant giving the kids squirt guns to shoot at batman frozen in ice). It was a hot day, so by the end the parents and kids were all having a giant water fight. They had a bounce house to jump in and we played a few other games, lastly enjoying a pinata, lego style!
We have really enjoyed a fun and exciting and busy summer. We've made last minute travels to Idaho for cousin Reganne's 9th birthday party!
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