Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas and Break
We have had a wonderful Christmas and break! Andrew has enjoyed time with family and friends and especially many new noisy toys to enjoy! He continues to be a very busy little guy! WOW! He's a mover and definitely a shaker too! Can't wait to see what the new year will bring!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
1/2 Year Old!
Today turned 6 months old! We had a great appointment with the doctor. What a trooper he survived 4 shots and is doing great. He weighs a whopping 18 pounds and is just 24 3/4 inches long. He is doing wonderful. The highlight of the appointment is when the nurse originally came and checked his weight, height, head circumference, etc, she also gave us the 8 month questionnaire to complete prior to our next appointment. Well when Andrew's doctor came she was observing him and Andrew showed off his new (nearly crawling) skills as well as his trunk control and overall body strength. She looked at us and said, "the nurse gave you an 8 month questionnaire, well he has already met all of those". It was hilarious! He is quite the overachiever with regards to milestones. Which may slow down, but I am enjoying my little superstar!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back To Work I Go!
Today was my big day back to work after a nice, long maternity leave! What a day! Although it was tough to leave Andrew, my work could not have made the transition any better. When I arrived to our Monday morning meeting it was actually a surprise "Welcome Back!" party. We enjoyed yummy treats and danced to "Celebrate!" At the conclusion of the meeting, my team serenaded me with a song to the tune of Sonny & Cher's "I Got You Babe!" It was adorable and I had to share the lyrics. (Imagine a group of 8 adults singing with the background music on)
You've been gone so long, it seems
We really miss you on our first string team,
You may not think that all that's true,
But Kaye, we really did miss you
We missed you, Kaye
We missed you, Kaye
You don't know how quiet it's been
Without your laugh, we can't even begin
Sometimes we're sad without you around
We need you here from dawn to late sundown
We got you, Kaye
We got you, Kaye
Andrew has a very good mom
We like to say that she's "da bomb"
We hope you're ready for a thrill
Jump on this ride, it can't be all uphill
Don't think of it as working hard
The people are the most important part
We tried to help your teacher out
But they need you, there really is no doubt
They need you, Kaye
They need you, Kaye
They need you, Kaye
Now that totally made my day! Andrew, of course, had a WONDERFUL day! He was so easy!!! Ahh!!! Good Times
You've been gone so long, it seems
We really miss you on our first string team,
You may not think that all that's true,
But Kaye, we really did miss you
We missed you, Kaye
We missed you, Kaye
You don't know how quiet it's been
Without your laugh, we can't even begin
Sometimes we're sad without you around
We need you here from dawn to late sundown
We got you, Kaye
We got you, Kaye
Andrew has a very good mom
We like to say that she's "da bomb"
We hope you're ready for a thrill
Jump on this ride, it can't be all uphill
Don't think of it as working hard
The people are the most important part
We tried to help your teacher out
But they need you, there really is no doubt
They need you, Kaye
They need you, Kaye
They need you, Kaye
Now that totally made my day! Andrew, of course, had a WONDERFUL day! He was so easy!!! Ahh!!! Good Times
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fishing and Cord Wrangling
So, Andrew continues to be quite the mover. A friend's husband took care of Andrew while her and I ran to a baby sale and his comment was that Andrew was wonderful he just had to be corralled! He loves moving... He is rolling everywhere and is attempting to master the butt scoot. I am worried that crawling is coming up and am trying to discourage it, since it means I will be booted from the New Moms Connection group that I am in! He is also always after cords. I think I have them all hidden and then suddenly he makes it from across the room to find a cord, which is so scary. I can't take my eyes off little man for a moment...
Well, Greg and I have a favorite movement that Andrew does at various times throughout the day. We fondly call it "fishing". Greg was able to capture a video of it too.
Well, Greg and I have a favorite movement that Andrew does at various times throughout the day. We fondly call it "fishing". Greg was able to capture a video of it too.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
They don't make things...
The saying "they don't make things like they used to" has been our household motto over the past week. We have had a new humidifier break, our TV's remote control, Andrew's mobile, and our most recent, the 3 year old 42 inch Plasma TV. UGH! We are frustrated by these things just randomly no longer working, but I think my frustration level increases when I get the details from the manufacture. Our TV is past its' warranty and early estimates are between $400 and $500 to fix. (We could easily buy a brand-new one for just a little more...) Fisher Price is working to fix the mobile (after I paid $11.00 to send it back to them and need to wait 3-6 weeks). Which means Andrew's bedtime routine is a bit harder now... UGH! I just wish that products lasted a reasonable amount of time and fixing things was a bit cheaper! Off to go try and return the humidifier....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Andrew's Antics
The hospital we delivered Andrew at has the most amazing New Moms Connection group. Basically we get together and talk about the realities of motherhood! It's so amazing... Anyways, today Andrew decided to be a major roly poly, but with a goal in mind. He ended up rolling over to the baby girl next to us and grabbed her toy and then rolled back. That was hilarious, but the best part is then later he rolled over and took another toy, which she was able to grab back and then he grabbed it again! Seriously, he is out of control! Greg wondered if I had brought any toys for Andrew, which of course I had, hers just looked a whole lot better :-)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Andrew's First Halloween
What a fun First Halloween! We couldn't pick just one cute outfit, so we had to use all 3!!! He was an adorable Pumpkin, a glow-in-the-dark Skeleton, and a crazy little Monkey!
Since the big U of Oregon game was on we invited Kaye's friend, Brandi and her son Trenton (he's only a month older then Andrew), over to watch the game and handout candy. (Her husband was at the game). We had to get photos of our two little monkeys! So, so much fun!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Another Lifesaver!
OK, so this will be quick, but I had to share 2 must-have for new parents! First is a battery-operated nasal aspirator with music too! I LOVE IT! It works so well and Andrew doesn't hate it like he did the bulb one! This is our lifesaver. The other item is the crane humidifier. We got the penguin for Andrew and it is amazing. We had previously purchased a much more expensive humidifier and it didn't work well, this one is AMAZING! OK, I will post some fun shots tomorrow! I LOVE FALL!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Andrew loves to watch football! (OK, so I know that I should be avoiding T.V. for him at all costs, but this was just too darn cute to miss). He sure knows which team to cheer for too!
Friday, October 2, 2009
4 Months!
Andrew went to his four month checkup today! He comes in at a "thriving" 16 pounds 2 ounces. He's 24 1/2 inches long! So far has met ALL of the milestones and most of the "soon-to-come" milestones. He still loves to roll back and forth and grab toys to shove in his mouth! He is sooo much fun! Tomorrow we will post a photo of him! He is our little monkey. We recently got his high chair out (with our brand-new dining room furniture set! Thanks for the early Christmas present mom & dad)! He loves it! He likes to see us while we are eating and does so great! We love our family!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Andrew's Laugh
OK! Here is my most favorite video of Andrew laughing! From my phone so a little blurry, but makes me smile everytime I watch it! So darn cute! Turn up your volume!!! (From 9/8/09)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rollie Pollie
Andrew is a rolling machine. I can't put him down today without him rolling over! Here is a short video ... the good one is too long...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
15 Pounds
Alright, he did it! Andrew broke the 15 pound mark. Today at our hospital's weekly Mommy & Me class (Which I LOVE!) Andrew weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces. This boy is growing and mommy is gaining lots of muscle! At our class today, Andrew had a great time with his friend. He loves this other little 2 1/2 month old baby boy. They just stared at each other and Andrew made all sorts of noises and cooing to his little friend. It was adorable. I am so thankful to have such a happy (permagrin) baby boy :-) I'm not sure where he gets it from...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sleep Changes
Andrew started changing some of his sleep behaviors recently and it makes me smile. He used to only fall asleep in our arms and if we put him down, he would wake up immediately. As of this week, he falls asleep anywhere! It's hilarious. The other day he was slightly whining, and I was in the kitchen and walked over to see him as he was playing on the floor. When I got there he had already zonked. Then today he was playing with his bouncy chair and seemed to be getting frustrated, so I went to move him and he was crashed. He is such a silly baby. I am learning that certain sounds signify that he is about to fall asleep :-)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Another Weigh-In
Enjoyed another wonderful New Moms Connection class at the hospital! So much fun! Each time we get our babies weighed. Andrew is progressing rapidly and weighed in at 14 pounds 13 ounces. WOW! I think he's bullking up for Football Season!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The State Fair
So the family and Aunt Natalie decided to head to the state fair on Labor Day, what an adventure! The weather was perfect and we were there from 12:30 until nearly 7:30! WOW! We walked, talked, sat and just enjoyed our time alot. Andrew does well, although he isn't a fan of big crowds and would much rather be carried and see what's going on around him rather than just watch from his stroller. Overall he did great. We were watching the roller derby ladies and he did not enjoy that one bit, but I have to admit they are a little scary (in that tough kind of way). Natalie found his ticklish spots and he would giggle and laugh so hard, it made my heart melt, so darn adorable.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
3 Months Old!
Andrew turned 3 months old today. I am amazed at how much he has grown. He weighs 14 pounds 7 ounces. He LOVES to suck (strong) on his full fist, occasionally gaging himself. He smiles all the time. He is such a happy guy. He coos and even giggles. Our friends Tim and Kori were over and he kept giggling at Tim! I've got to get it on video tape. It is so cute. I love this stage. His personality is showing and he is so much fun, exhausting but fun. I am becoming more confident in going out with him and we went to a New Mom's Connection class at Salem Hospital today and that was a lot of fun.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Seattle Trip
We embarked on our first family trip (with Grandma DiDi and Grandpa Chuck) on Thursday. We arrived in Tukwila on Thursday after a wonderful drive. It took less than 4 hours and Andrew did amazing! What a trooper! Here's the quick overview (I WILL bore you with the details)...
Thurs: Arrive in Seattle. Dinner @ Hotel.
Friday: Tour the Waterfront and Pier. Visited Kerry Park with an amazing view of the city. Lunch at Ivars. Returned downtown in the evening for Andrew to meet Uncle Dusty and then off to the Old Spaghetti Factory with a nice evening walk at Sculpture Park.
Saturday: Hanging at the hotel and then spending time in Tukwila and IKEA! Off to the Denver Broncos vs Seattle Seahawks game at 7:30pm. Andrew gets to hang with Grandma and Grandpa. The Broncos didn't win, but Andrew did amazing!
Sunday: After a nice breakfast start driving home-a quick trip to the outlet mall and some new Nikes for Kaye!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Kaye's Top 5 Baby Must-Haves
So, as a brand-new first time mommy, I had to list my Top 5 MUST-HAVES! These are the items that have made it so much easier and helped me along this new journey and that I quite simply could not live without...
#5 Soothie Pacifiers

#3 Homemade Burp Cloths-My mom has many talents, including sewing. She made all of the nursery beddings for her grandchildren. Well, she also found a simple way to make burp cloths! Buy cloth diapers, sew a little ribbon and voila, you have a homemade burp cloth!

#2 Sleep Sacks-These are amazing! They are safe for babies and make changing in the middle of the night sooo much easier! My favorite baby clothing item!
(I have them from Carters and Gerber)

#1 ITZBEEN By far this is the MOST AMAZING baby item ever! Greg and I use it daily and he even used it to time my contractions when I started Labor! My sister found them at Target and purchased one for me! I could not live without it! WOW!!! I know the perfect gift for my girlfriends now!!! Bring on the baby showers...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
2 Months!

Andrew just turned 2 months old! At his appointment on the 4th he weighed 12 pounds 8 ounces! He is sure growing quickly! I barely survived his first round of shots-yuck, but Greg did a great job holding Andrew. The doctor was amazed at his strength and she said he has the neck control of a 4 month old...
1 Month Old (July 3rd)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
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