I have been back at work... I will admit it is really hard to be at work but also really refreshing too! I do enjoy my job and the incredible people I get to work with. Education is a hard field, and I am blessed to be a part of this work. I am even more blessed to be able to work part-time. Which means I literally get the best of both worlds (and my kids do too)!. I get the chance to interact with adults and celebrate the growth of beginning teachers and their students and my kids get to interact socially and building relationships with other children! It's amazing. For now I am exhausted, but these two precious little guys and my incredible husband make my life complete!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
A Shaved Ice Kind of Day...
Considering all the craziness... we are so excited to have found an amazing shaved ice place in Oregon! YUM. It's our special treat. (Thankfully it's only open Saturday and Sunday). Andrew's favorite flavor is coconut!
17 days
It's been a challenging last few weeks. On Thursday Greg left early in the morning for Umatilla as he had infantry training class. (Thankfully this may take the place of the 8 week class that he was supposed to take this summer, but he is still scheduled to take it next summer)... Unfortunately on Thursday I had made appointments for both boys. We headed to Andrew's dental appointment and afterwards they directed me to a separate room. There I was with the dental assistant explaining that Andrew had a cavity and that he may need a root canal? REALLY. I was overwhelmed, but even more angry that not ONCE did I speak with the dentist. Didn't even see her! WOW. That being said we are looking for a second opinion and a new dentist... (It should be noted that I completed their email survey and was contacted by the office manager who said I could call and she would explain further about my son's treatment plan? I guess they just don't get it...) Then I dropped Andrew off at daycare to Daniel's 6 month appointment. He weighs 16 pounds 11 ounces and seemed healthy. They took a head measurement of 45cm and the doctor met with me and explained that she had concerns as he had jumped from the 70% to the 95% in head circumference size. They would remeasure, but I may need to go for an ultrasound... Really? Thankfully the next measurement was 44cm and they said that it followed his growth curve, so it was really up to me. They weren't as concerned about it... but I could get it checked either way... I am not making any decisions until I see Greg again... Too much for this mama... Finally I went to get my automatic car opener fixed. I had recently spent too much money on a new one and it stopped working. The guy spent 20 minutes to explain that he had no idea what was wrong and they would refund my money-on Monday when his boss was there. Problem is I started my only full week of work then... sigh... So last week I survived my only full week of 7:30-5:00 work for the entire school year, while also being a single parent. It was exhausting! Daniel is not sleeping well, so I was one tired presenter who felt off a lot more than on and had some really funny flubs. I will be so grateful when my husband returns. This single parent thing is Not a gig for me...
Teething Woes
For anyone who has two children, I assume you already agree that within just a few months you begin to see the similarities and differences of them. Andrew was an easy teether! We barely knew he was teething (except obvious signs of drool), and then suddenly on Christmas Eve his two front teeth popped through. On the other hand, Daniel struggles, a lot! He cries, screams in pain. I have tried Hylands Teething tablets, wash cloths...etc.etc... One of my closest friends recommended teething necklaces. Skeptical! You better believe it! Anxious, Nervous?! Yes indeed. But I trust her fully and know that she would never put her daughter in any type of danger! So I searched found a local store and bought a teething necklace. WOW! Can I say it has made a world of difference? He is like a new little baby! Yes, he still gums things and needs to chew on things, but he doesn't scream out in pain and car rides are so much more tolerable! WOW! The link tells more about these necklaces. http://www.amberartisans.com/amteneandbrf.html WOW!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Wow! What a fun day yesterday! Unfortunately Greg had drill, so I was on my own with the Boys. We have become in love with the kids workshops at Home Depot. I never have ventured to try them on my own, but this time I did!

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