Thurs: 1/6 Andrew is wheezy and coughing so off to doctor for breathing treatment.
Fri: 1/7 Andrew is wheezy and grunts so another breathing treatment at doctors.
Sun: 1/9 Andrew is wheezy and coughing to the point of throwing up and not responding to his inhaler so off to doctor for breathing treatment and a dose of steroids...
Mon: 1/10 Andrew isn't doing well so check in with doctor for breathing treatment (he didn't get better) and dose of steroid. The doctor decided Andrew needed to be taken to the hospital right away.Tears were shed by mommy on the drive to the hospital. After checking in we had to get a chest x-ray, and then get him to his room on the pediatric floor for blood tests and an oral swab. It was determined that he had RSV. The good news was that he was getting enough oxygen, just working way too hard! So they started the regimen of breathing treatments every 2 hours. Kori and Tim dropped by to visit and then Fawnia came to watch the Ducks game with me, because I really wanted Greg to be able to watch the game on a big screen with his good friend Tom! Our minister also dropped in to say a prayer with us. Greg and I spent the night in the hospital.

Tues: 1/11 The nurse was so happy that Andrew didn’t need oxygen all night, but the doctor didn’t have such good news. He was concerned that Andrew wasn’t making enough progress, so we needed to up his breathing treatment medication to Epinephrine and give him more steroids. He also wasn’t taking in enough fluids (and hadn’t since Thurs) so an IV was needed. This was the hardest thing, because as they held him down and got the IV into his hand, his vein collapsed. So they had to use his other hand. He had also developed a fever. Thankfully, by Tuesday evening he was showing significant improvement! Breathing treatments only as needed! Kori visited and Rex visited and then Mojdeh spent the whole day with Kaye and stayed that evening too! It was such a blessing!
Wed: 1/12 The doctor was happy that Andrew had no need for breathing treatments Tuesday night and he was doing much better, actually playing with cars! He continued to improve and we were discharged from the hospital Wednesday afternoon!
God is good and we are so grateful for all of the wonderful thoughts and prayers! Andrew is doing well and enjoying being himself and having WAY TOO MUCH ENERGY!

As you can tell he was excited to be heading home...
(I didn't bring a camera, but took a pics few from my phone)
Yes...what a crazy week. Glad it is all behind you.
So glad that he's better! You were so strong through all of that!
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